Leopard Vision

Documentaries, Trailers

Volume 1

In August, 2014, through a series of providential events that were Divinely orchestrated, I was lead to be apart of the production on the documentary “Leopard Vision”. The ultimate purpose of this documentary is to engage, educate, and warn this present generation about the rapid ascent of the power of the Papacy, and the impending implementation of the Mark Of The Beast. The documentary was released in time to address the historic visit of Pope Francis to USA in September 2015. In addition to this documentary, we would like to extend this project into a SERIES. When completed, each installment of the “Leopard Vison” SERIES will be broadcasted on television via 3ABN’S Dare To Dream Network, where it will potentialy be viewed by millions!

The Trailer

A journey into the very depths of the belly of the most influential and insidious organization in existence. See, as never before, how the Papacy plays a vital role in current events, and the final fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

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