Day One
A short clip with testimonies and impressions from different attendees.
Day Two
Here’s the recap of outreach day. What a blessing to see hundreds of youth involved in this evangelistic efforts in the city of Linz.
Day Three
A large number of people committed their lives to Jesus after Sebastien Braxton’s appeal at the end of the evening devotion on Sabbath. People committed their life to full-time ministry, chose for baptism, or simply going on a mission trip. Since today, Europe has extra workers in God’s vineyard!
What Is GYC?
Identity. A youth-initiated and-led movement of Seventh-day Adventists from diverse backgrounds, united in a common commitment to serious Bible study, intense prayer, uncompromising lifestyle, and boldness in sharing Christ with others.
In 2002 a small group of college students began a movement – the result of a hungering for the Word of God, deeper relationship with Christ and an active life in His service.
Uphold the distinctive message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; to aspire to excellence in all aspects of their lives – academic, professional, and spiritual; to embrace the call to radical discipleship, including a life of missionary service; and to be supportive and respectful of denominational leadership while remaining a youth-led movement.
A venue to be inspired by speakers who uphold the authority of the Holy Bible and respect the Spirit of Prophecy. A place to receive training from presenters who embrace all our Fundamental Beliefs. An opportunity to network with others from a variety of backgrounds, ethnicities and geographic locations. A setting for quality music and a vibrant worship characterized by principle, reverence, and decorum. An occasion to be inspired by other young people sharing testimonies of what God is doing in their lives. And a moment to experience a sense of God’s call for your life and a commitment to live daily for Him.
Massive evangelistic endeavors with thousands of lives changed, book printing, online sermon archive, regional youth conferences, mission trips, networking opportunities for young people around the globe, weeks of prayer, and youth camp meetings.